Page 0126

Felix "Hi Its me again!! Pazu My Man. I think this Ah Yan person is simply jealous. So nevermind it. He'll probably get over it when he listens to some Kid songs and help him find the child in him! Keep it up!! You are doing a tremendously great job! Besides, i feel YOUNG again!! Thanks!"

Sunday, May 20, 2001 at 22:05:00

Felix "I wanted to listen/download some of the songs on your HP. However there is an error message of forbidden access. When will this be fixed?? Thanks!"

Sunday, May 20, 2001 at 21:50:45

P.P.C "hey~ i can't listen to your music!! it said something error!!!! can you try to fix it?? Thanks!!!"

Sunday, May 20, 2001 at 13:57:47

Case "我亦於98年用了半年時間走訪大陸一遍...你回香港後希望能跟你交流下旅遊經驗. 有空請來我的自助旅遊網站看看 祝旅途愉快!"

Saturday, May 19, 2001 at 22:13:35

sindy "This site is great to me. But i couldn't download most of the songs that i want to. it said something couldn't access or forbidden. What's the problem with it? It's not just right click and save as? would you pls tell me the method of how to download it in email. thanks so much."

Saturday, May 19, 2001 at 21:35:02

Yan "hi, Pazu. I just finished reading your new long story about your "passed away friend". It is very impressing. I had two schoolmates passed away two years ago. Both of them were suicides. One of my friends used to say that as time goes by, they didn't seem "passed away", just we just didn't contact each other. I really like your writing. It reminds me my school days and old friends. I hope that I can talk to you sometime. What you doing while now? Working? in Hong Kong? "

Saturday, May 19, 2001 at 00:24:25

辛尼Fans "你好厲害啊~找到咁多舊兒歌...言歸正傳~網主知唔知邊度仲有[辛尼哥哥跳飛機Vol~3/4]買呢?(希望你唔好叫在圖書館找之類的答案啦.)"

Wednesday, May 16, 2001 at 06:46:42

Ashley "阿 欣 這 種 物 體, 你 大 可 擱 下 一 邊 不 理 , 但 係 ~~~ 遊 記 一 要 準 時 豋 出 。 定 "

Sunday, May 13, 2001 at 20:15:09

duck "衰仔,有女仔追喎..好叻喎!"

Sunday, May 13, 2001 at 10:00:05

Phyllis "I read the latest essay. it is a bad memory. i did experience that. anyway, it passed. take care and have a fun trip in China."

Saturday, May 12, 2001 at 10:08:06

. "我第一次睇閣下的hp ,好正呀!!!事關我可以听番好耐以前的兒歌呀! "

Friday, May 11, 2001 at 21:10:15

lily "因為想去麗江,看到這個網頁,覺得薯伯伯是個很有意思的人喔!好好享受你的人生吧∼∼∼也許哪一天會在旅途上見上一面也說不定!"

Friday, May 11, 2001 at 19:01:19

Ah Yan "To those who object my point of view: Everyone has right to say and express what they want, it included me, and no need to vilify me in this unpolite abusive language. I just announced my feeling about the webmaster of If you don't accept or approve with my opinion? then, you have option to ignore what I said about this .. Also, there's no point of quarrel through this message board, if you have guts and brave enough, just come to canada to hurl insults at me. "

此個名個「阿欣」的人, 在五月三日發表了一文。在此我要先說明, 我不認識這個叫「阿欣」的人, 至於他的為人呢? 卻倒是能從他寫的文章而略知一二。他大概是那種蠻不講理, 或真有點神經病的人。他先在五月三日在此貼了一篇文章, 祝願我「客死異鄉」, 又讚賞我「不務正業」, 這不是評語, 是漫罵。我可以選擇把他的文章刪去, 但他既然說了, 我也把他的留言登出, 同時付上我的回應。後來有名網友以Pazu's fan的名字去回應他, 說阿欣的發言是屎 (請參閱五月四日的留言)。阿欣看罷, 他說甚麼呢? 他說每人都有言論自由, 他說別人不禮貌, 他說不滿意他可以不理會他, 他說不應該在留言板裡大呼小叫。

人, 有很多種, 但像這個「阿欣」的無賴與無知同時融合一起, 倒是極品中的極品。為何他不懂反問自己: 為何當初沒禮貌的去咀咒別人? 為何要漫罵別人? 看到別人回應他, 他若不滿意, 為何不懂得如他所說般去「不理會」別人, 他又為何要在我的留言板裡攪事, 大呼小叫像潑婦般罵個不停?

如果大家對這個叫「阿欣」的性格還是有懷疑, 只要看看他最後那句: 「你有種的話, 就來加拿大鬧我, 唔好只係個留言板度大呼小叫!」 一個人的品質, 真的能從這樣一句話中表露無遺。
Friday, May 11, 2001 at 17:18:33

LYh1 "可否加入勇者係列的中文主題曲? 太難找了; 若此網的歌可中日對照更無敵; 站主是不是個失業的人?"

Friday, May 11, 2001 at 06:08:47

kikaider "好!有歌詞, 有主唱者名, D料幾好!"

Thursday, May 10, 2001 at 10:54:24

溫洪宗 "我一向不愛做打意見這樣麻煩的事,但你這網站真是好好一些我幾乎忘了的歌你也有上蛓,真是厲害,有很多歌我相信cd也無法買到,希望你可繼續努力。"

Wednesday, May 9, 2001 at 20:55:35

Ashley "俾你搞到日日追小說咁 追 你 個 遊記, 搞 到 我 都 想 去 旅 行,你 要負 責 任!!! "

還以為我乜乜, 又不是乜乜, 負乜責任呢?
Tuesday, May 8, 2001 at 20:06:39

佩爾巴莉 "that's good"

Sunday, May 6, 2001 at 21:20:38

Tony "Hi Pazu, How are you? Recently I surf your dairy know that you have been in China for over 200 days. Any special? Tony from Hong Kong "

你好啊~ 很久不見了!
Saturday, May 5, 2001 at 05:20:10

thor "are u happy? Changsha is a nice city? How about ur new travel drafts?"

那麼你就要自己去看喇, 哈哈。
Saturday, May 5, 2001 at 05:07:13

Pazu's fan "Ah Yan, what a shame! How can you write those crap? It's the most awful incantation! Jealousy can kill yourself but I will still pray for you, God will forgive your sin! Poor gal!!!!!"

那個阿欣看來是精神病患者, 所以才有此言, 我地應該同情佢同幫助佢, 讓佢早日康復。嘻。
Friday, May 4, 2001 at 20:07:29

阿欣 "我話你知, 你唔好以為你自己好巴閉, 有個收歡迎的網頁, 你做人甘串, 我鬼唔望你客死異鄉, 死在中國, 無人同你收屍啊. 仲有, 你扮什麼高竇唧, 你咪只係一個不務正業, 一事無成的大學生. 甘大個人成個白痴甘...低能仔"

Thursday, May 3, 2001 at 12:51:06

E人 "新鐵金剛歌詞更正:第四句係:步伐如銅鐵"

Wednesday, May 2, 2001 at 23:03:08

DAVID "GOOD WORK please keep it up....... " THANK ""

Tuesday, May 1, 2001 at 20:26:15