Page 0115

teppei "我好想聽你個網d兒歌呀!但當我按去下時出,便出現以下內容!是什麼問題呢? Error 404: File Not Found You have attempted to access a page that does not exist on this server. This is usually for any of the following reasons: It may be that the file has not yet been uploaded by it's author. Or that the author may have accidentaly made a typo in the link that brought you here. Or that you are accessing a truly non-existent page. "

Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 03:47:23

angelkei "我来了几次了,有很多都无法连接和download,因该改一改了。。。。。 "

Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 19:42:51

"無名" ""阿花的故事"was broken link~! Error ar...... 我想Download,can U help me? Thank you~!"

Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 08:39:06

Willy "好驚,好驚!好驚呢個網會 Close...... 我還未下載所有歌曲,就........可不可以有一個 Zip file 收集所有的歌詞?我真的想收下來懷念過去......"

Monday, November 20, 2000 at 07:27:34

michelle "I like it."

Monday, November 20, 2000 at 05:43:55

chococat "It very good."

Monday, November 20, 2000 at 05:38:54

angelkei "有很多不能download,希望改进"

Monday, November 20, 2000 at 05:07:55

Tiger "Hi Captain, It's a really great site I've never seen!!! However, I got no luck to listen any songs until now, when I click those icon for songs to download or listen, it will go to a page say "error not found" immeidately and not provide me anything. Do you know what happen? My computer is using Winamp and Real play 8 basic as well, is it okay? Please advise as soon as possible since I really can't wait to listem those songs. Thanks a lot."

Sunday, November 19, 2000 at 01:03:10

Kenneth "The webpage is very good and so to the songs, but all the songs have broken links."

Saturday, November 18, 2000 at 18:32:39

biscuit "excuse me, y the song "太空老鼠吱吱吱(長夜真不錯)" cann play ge? if plp have this song, can u email to me or tell me how to listen pls.. i love this song so much!"

Saturday, November 18, 2000 at 08:27:25

豬女 "呢個homepage好,但係有die link... 請問可否有人能給我長腿叔叔的主題曲"夢中天使"之檔案?? 或將該整返好??"

Saturday, November 18, 2000 at 01:18:00

蝦條公公 "舊時好多都聽到的歌.而家一首都都聽唔到, 好失望......"

Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 22:30:49

sprite "我係呢度長期fans ar! 但點解衣家歌download唔到, 試聽又唔得ka??"

Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 09:02:18

ken "嘩,非常正的綱址,需然不知為何我不能download那些歌?但真的真的使我回憶起小時的一些童憬,尤其是那些我已忘記了又好想找回的歌詞,謝謝,請你繼續努力."

Sunday, November 12, 2000 at 07:07:37

Shukei "Dear Pazu, 好掛住你呀~ 你死左去邊呀?去旅行去咁耐~ 快d返來陪我玩呀~橫我仲諗住考完公開識同你向網到吹下水點知你一去就去左咁耐,現在我result都出埋,學都開埋...你都仲未蒲頭...算啦...你買番d手信比我...level啦...ok?"

Friday, November 10, 2000 at 23:50:50

Emily "剛寫完你的留言冊,忍不住又要發表偉論啦!!你■g多謝人地留言的短文打錯髐@個字呀!應該係"柔揚悅耳"呀!快d改鼳\啦!仲有就係,得罪d講句,你寫得好肉麻呀!!!"

Friday, November 10, 2000 at 06:01:56

Emily "我覺得呢個網做得好好,唯一美中不足的就是沒有mp3 format,好唔方便呀!!!!!"

Friday, November 10, 2000 at 05:55:46

羽理老師 "《Pazu兒歌網》是一個很好的網站,好的地方不在於收錄大量兒歌,而是從聆聽兒歌的過程中,使人能回顧以往,懷緬一番,亦能令小朋友明白「飲水思源」的價值,懂得珍惜過去的一切(即不貪新忘舊)。另外,在小學的中國語文科中引入了童謠(兒歌)欣賞,在歌曲的字裡行間中容易理解「押韻」及一些修辭手法。"

Friday, November 10, 2000 at 05:39:01

ryan "我想請問有冇430穿梭機第一首主題曲, 唔係張國榮亦唔係陳美玲唱的, 應該係第一代主持, 梁朝偉, 張國強等唱的...大概點唱就唔記得勒, 不過頭先睇全線大搜查訪問梁朝偉都有播過...謝謝"

Friday, November 10, 2000 at 05:14:01

雲妮` "我發現有好歌都下蛓唔到喎....好失望喎....點算先....唉...得個睇..又冇得聽...."

Wednesday, November 8, 2000 at 08:44:12

yan "Right-click [RA] 這個icon, 然後再選擇 Save Link As still doesnt work...why?? if i want to listening those songs directly. what can i do?...coz when i press the ram icon but still doesnt work just got a error page come up!!!"

Tuesday, November 7, 2000 at 22:56:07

MiFFy "Hi~!It's a COOL web~!!But..I can't download the song of '長腿叔叔'ar...Can u help me..~!?it 出現404 error when i try to download it~!VxV..PLs try to fix it..thx~!*X*"

Tuesday, November 7, 2000 at 22:46:07