Page 0117

ngan hop on "i like your animation song because this song make me remember many old thing. thank u very much"

Monday, January 8, 2001 at 10:08:33

豬兜 "呢個網好正呀! 我竟然仲搵到"老鼠也移民"主題曲, 但係呢度就無咩迪士尼o既歌, 有埋就好low"

Monday, January 8, 2001 at 02:54:40

Shukei "Dear Pazu~ I have just read the part of Europe Trip in your hp...v funny! I have also planned to visit there for a loooooooong time...maybe soon lar...Pls add more 遊記 lar...I really want to read it~ thx a lot! Have a nice day! 都係那句...如果有收信就好啦一粒沙都好"

Monday, January 8, 2001 at 00:22:50

wing_shan "hihi"

Thursday, January 4, 2001 at 21:08:58

Ga Jie "Aiya, Sai Lo, where are you ar? You didn't send me e-mail for a long time wor!! I just come back from Houston ar, the trip was really good la!! E-mail me and tell me where you are and when will you back home! I don't think any sister in the world has to communicate with her brother in that way, except me lor!!"

Thursday, January 4, 2001 at 18:01:19

啞邊個邊個 "為什麼沒有搖籃曲我睡不著~~~."

Tuesday, January 2, 2001 at 06:13:42

Kathleen "Hey~ Hey ~ Why don't you make these songs be the mp3 file ?? I like mp3 file more ar ~"

Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 04:49:33

Rocky "歌都好好聽, 幾多, 幾齊, 但質素就差了點, 希望改進 "

Saturday, December 30, 2000 at 07:37:42

阿dee "哇, 薯伯出埠?"

Friday, December 29, 2000 at 06:02:21

Winnie "I really love your website, it is fanastic, especially about desciption of school lives. Are you a student because it seems that you travel quite alot. Would you mind answering me? Winnie"

Friday, December 29, 2000 at 02:03:29

柯迪傑傑 "我在6月30日都已留過言的(douglaskong),but你無回覆我.我有一些以前的兒歌是收錄錄影帶中,有一些是你有歌詞無得聽的我希望它們可以幫你update你的網頁"

Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 19:32:19

假2359 "我加入這網己五個月,但我想問一些問題1.這裡怎樣突然沒有歌加上?2.你幾時去完旅行?3.你會不會加一些歌曲,因為實在是很耐以前的歌,現在的歌(例:自動勝利Let's fight,百變小櫻等)一首都沒有,這點可以改善嗎?4.你可不可以加一些不只是kidsong的野,說一些卡通或小孩的電視劇5.你可需要一些新歌嗎,我可給你"

Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 01:44:23

leo "肥婆奶奶 means 阿媽"

Tuesday, December 26, 2000 at 05:21:08

Alex "好欣賞,并多謝這website的主人, 此站確令人憶起不少逝去了的經歷"

Monday, December 25, 2000 at 14:31:57

麥子 "我好鐘意呢個page呀~ d 歌好正~ 又有小白船, 又有長腿叔叔~ 仲有三人行添~不過如果有埋夢幻舞衣就仲好~heehee. :)"

Monday, December 25, 2000 at 08:46:56

暴鯨獸 "鶡n正呀!d歌都幾齊,但有d新d嚘q就冇,eg.數碼暴龍,晴天pigpig.仲有`皇家雙妹嘜'都好好聽,請放埋上個homepage呀!thx."

Saturday, December 23, 2000 at 19:56:52

CHYee^.^ "嘩!你的兒歌網太好了,令人驚嘆!如"反斗劍神"一曲,我小時候是十分愛聽的,但卻只能聽前段,直至現在才知是許志安唱的,還能聽全首呢!我的弟妹也很高興呢!另外,可以上載"蠟筆小王國"的主題曲和歌詞、歌手名嗎﹖ "

Saturday, December 23, 2000 at 05:45:26

cow "我想請問網主,點解有些兒歌如:“阿花的故事”,“夢中天使”及“寶貝甜心”等都無法 download? 這令很多兒歌迷很傷心 (當然包括我)。 所以我想問問何時這些兒歌才可再試聽到呢? Thanks a lot :)"

Friday, December 22, 2000 at 13:00:29

paris "點解沒有許思行唱個幾首美少女歌口既?除左你,我不知道可以找誰人啦!!"

Friday, December 22, 2000 at 10:56:27

Augustine "Hi"

Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 01:26:08

ff "ffff"

Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 21:30:22

Frankie Siu "What's wonderful library! Thanks for your great effort in collecting and organizing all songs and information. My childhood has just been recalled. I simple write to express my gratitude to you. Thank you."

Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 10:56:11

JACK TSO "有很多日文版歌沒有收錄很失望. 例如: 宇宙保衛者, V型電磁俠, 無敵巴拉達, 金毛獅王, 百獸王, 機甲艦隊, 光速電神阿貝格斯, 電腦戰士, 陰陽電磁俠, 太空小五義(哥頓), 金剛小寶貝, 玲瓏小金剛, 超獸機神斷空我, 宇宙戰士巴狄奧斯, 戰國魔神(共15大懷舊機械人卡集). 請盡快收錄影!"

Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 05:50:40