Page 0014

牛頭角之虎 你唱 shera 好難聽. 但總括 口黎 講, 個 site 好正. 點解冇"筋肉人"主題曲 ?

1997-05-14 21:28:00

Julia Shek Perfect!
1997-05-14 18:42:00
Steve Tse Very concise, rich, humourous, splendid!
1997-05-13 23:18:00
Ball-jai Very good!
1997-05-13 18:14:00
北角區長 最新消息: 閃電版「櫻桃小丸子」已出了廣東版主題曲, 請Pazu火速把歌曲上網! (詳請留意閃電傳真機)

嘻, 身為兒歌網網主, 一早就收到風了! 留意今個星期的update吧!
1997-05-13 17:55:00

北角區長 Pazu,在有線播的「櫻桃小丸子」中,它所播的開幕曲和閉幕曲跟你所描述的剛好相反。我諗,你更正番啦!

1997-05-13 17:05:00

Jerome Chiu 點解無"銀河鐵路九九九"0既? But don't feel let down, for this is the only (a very minor one) shortcoming that I've found. I am also delighted with the "Totally imbecile" page. One of your guests suggested that a section for modified "cheeky/funny" of the most famous kid songs be listed in that page. As long as the quality of these modified versions match that of those already listed, I don't see any reason (other than technical ones) not to let them be shared by the viewers (there must be hundreds, if not thousands, of them now).Your site is excellent enough, but I shall be even more delighted to see Pazu the compiler becomes Pazu the original writer. Too tall an order? 你得0既......Cheers, and keep up the good work!

好長好多的建議啊,,, 慢慢睇...
1997-05-13 07:36:00

Pinocchio Hey!!! Your page is REALLY great!! Seems like I get back to the old times. 正 呀
1997-05-12 05:37:00
阿健 極好的選擇!!極好的工匠!!制造出完美的雕像!!

1997-05-12 02:50:00

Andrew Liu 得不錯呢! 你個database真係正到冇得彈.不過太過多accepting cookie的信息.

其實大部份browser都可以disable 「食曲奇」的alert的。
1997-05-12 02:27:00

Gary Wong I like it so mush!Keep it on!
1997-05-12 00:54:00
Isaac Lau 這個網頁做得很好! 很多令人懷念的兒歌, 令人感動!不過有些歌詞有錯字, 希望可以執執啦!=)

... 其實唔係「有些」, 係有好多, 所以好難執了...
1997-05-11 23:56:00

Thomas Au Wow! So many kids songs here!! cool!!
1997-05-11 23:23:00
威威 入黎簽個名先,之後慢慢睇.......

1997-05-11 22:48:00

sumsum Thank You. It's a shame that i make the mistake myself.It seems that the name for your 電磁俠should be V形電磁俠. 超力電磁俠is the sequel shown by RTV. (And the songs for the latter are also great)Can anybody confirm?

超力電磁俠其實係台灣的譯名, 在香港譯作太空堡壘; 至於V型電磁俠的港譯則是太空五虎將。
1997-05-11 20:44:00

Mone Hsieh Excellent!! I love it very much!! Keep up the good work!! :D
1997-05-11 13:39:00
李沛霖 這綱址給我一個重拾回憶的機會
1997-05-11 12:22:00
勇者•仁傑 你個新分類初初有et et唔慣,用用下又幾好用,我都有好多卡通片主題曲,不過全部係日文版,你有興趣要就e-mail俾我啦,我係好鬼支持你個網嫁。

謝謝你的支持, 不過我想要的日文歌, 大部份都是有中文對應版本的, 所以應該不大合用吧, 不過點都好, 謝謝你! 我要傑保倫請你食糖!
1997-05-13 05:05:00

henry your homepage is very good , i like it very much
1997-05-10 21:55:00
CHAVI GOOD!!!!!!!!!
1997-05-12 22:02:00
森姆 好正,最好搵多D歌o忝!
1997-05-10 19:56:00
Purple 紫伊 淨係想講好感動呀...你肯用咁多的私人時間整一個咁好既網頁俾我地欣賞...我一早已經bookmark同埋link左去我既hp喇!請繼續努力喎!
1997-05-10 19:36:00
sumsum i visited kid song this afternoon and found that u have deleted "ancient time" !! What a shame. Most of my favourites are in this category. i think there are other "old biscuits" who share my view. Another point. Most of your songs are from TVB. But there are other superb songs from ATV/RTV like "Space Cruiser Yamato" and "Galaxy Express". Hope u can incorporate them. Keep up. Your work is really excellant.

1997-05-10 19:11:00

包 仔 覺 得 幾 好 聽 咁 啦 , 你 搵 到 咁 多 歌 我 都 好 欣 賞 你 , 令 我 得 到 無 限 感 觸
1997-05-10 16:25:00
阿添 這個網頁真有一手! 攪到我係到成個鐘頭都唔捨得走.....

1997-05-10 05:39:00

norns 很勵害的h/p!! "真有你的!!" 我可以link去你的h/p麼? p.s. macross 電影版做主題曲日文應叫做"可有記起愛"飯島真理主唱

當然可以, 謝謝!
1997-05-10 03:28:00

Shirman Heong 我只是想講, 我好欣賞你那篇天空之城(日文版)而已。

1997-05-10 00:48:00

o靚坤 哥!!! 我個屁股生了濕疹,阿媽媽又白白痴痴咁, 成日都好似好樂趣咁, 佢話你個homepage都好樂趣, 咁我咪上來樂趣一下囉!
1997-05-09 17:46:00
莫大先生 哦! pazu 哥呀~~ 我最近經常小便赤痛,廟街的醫生說這是心理病,心理醫生就叫我得閒睇下你個網頁,很奇怪,每當我看完你的網頁時,我的小便真的順暢了不少! pazu兄, 多謝你呀!!
1997-05-09 17:42:00
Penguin I am very very very happy to see your homepage. Coz i love listeining to your brother to sing those kid songs. Now, I can near yours not his.

1997-05-08 19:25:00

Lo 嘩, 看你的完全咸濕手冊, 原來你常被人強暴...你果然不是普通的人....

正所謂: 少少苦楚等於激勵嘛!!
1997-05-08 17:40:00

peggy Not Bad!! But .... some songs are not "complete"!!( such as Sailor Moon S, Only 59k and Pure ling In ) So, I feel very disappointed !!

1997-05-08 16:47:00

TVB 大爺 唔好意思!! 咁耐先簽你個 Guesbook!!!勁啦,乜台物報都介紹你個Homepage啦,搞到我鬼死咁眼"藍"!!到底你o係邊度搵咁多歌出黎架??!! 我真係佩服到五體"插"地呀!!! 點都好啦!! 你發硬架啦!!! ^_^

我個網係非商業的啊, 唔發架!
1997-05-08 16:29:00

叮叮 上過咁多次兒歌網,都未簽你個guestbook添! 而家寫番d野先....我都唔知寫乜好,只係覺得兒歌網好正呀!!

咁我都唔知點答你好, 只係覺得好多謝你讚我! :)
1997-05-08 07:28:00

super 懶骨頭 好'正'呀! 我介紹給朋友,大家都話好鍾意. 但我認為時代分得太多, 有D煩!(唔好介意) I think the 'Search' is very convenient, at first, I couldn't find the song 'Flintstone', so I used it and I find it very useful. Keep up your good work!!

不過宜家加了個search engine, 係會易少少找歌的了。
1997-05-07 18:55:00

北角區長 Dickson Chan 喂Pazu,李珊珊翻唱「我係小忌廉」呀!不過我就認為佢唱得••••••

嘻, 我都有聽過人講, 不過...好在, 重未聽過o者! 我都係鍾意聽番戴蘊慧版。
1997-05-07 17:31:00